Maddie L. Bakken
HATWALK 2023 Gala Co-chair
AACSN Content Manager And Webmaster
I was born and raised in the Bay Area and I am currently a senior at Homestead High School. In my free time, I like to play the clarinet, vibraphone and piano. I also enjoy spending time with my close friends. I am passionate about helping others and I am glad that I can offer a hand by using my tech skills. My Grammy is a cancer survivor. Because she had a strong network of family and friend to support her; it helped her tremendously when she was undergoing treatment. AACSN is an organization that helps patients who may not be as fortunate as my Grammy.
Rylan Butt
I am currently a freshman at USC and have been living in the Bay Area for my entire life. I’m passionate about Journalism and was the Editor in Chief at Sequoia High School school newspaper. In my free time I like to go out with friends or go shopping. I am passionate about helping others in whatever way I can. I volunteer at AACSN for my aunt, Fidelia Butt, who co-founded AACSN and recently passed away from pancreatic cancer. I volunteer to carry my aunt’s legacy and continue her strive to always help people.
Jackie Lu | HATWALK 2022 Co-Chair
My name is Jackie Lu and I am an undergraduate student at Stanford University majoring in Human Biology and minoring in History. I am serving as the Co-Chair and Donations and Fundraising Chair for AACSN this year, and am super excited to be involved in organizing HATWALK 2022! I am originally from the Bay Area and grew up in San Francisco and Palo Alto. In my spare time, I enjoy outdoor activities such as rock climbing, hiking, jogging, and swimming. I also really enjoy doodling while listening to music as a way to unwind. I have had family members and close friends whose lives have been impacted by cancer, and as an Asian American myself, am extremely passionate about providing underserved communities with the resources they deserve equal access to.
Candace Truong
Served as HATWALK 2005 Gala Co-Chair
Hi my name is Candace Truong and I have lived in the Bay Area all my life. I currently work as a Hardware/Software Project Coordinator at a software firm in San Jose. This is my first year volunteering with AACSN. I look forward to being involved with helping to raise cancer awareness to the different Asian communities.
I will be very involved with AACSN’s HATWALK 2005 gala event as I have volunteered to be one of this year’s co-chairs. In addition to volunteering with AACSN, I enjoy coordinating events, entertaining, cooking and speading time with family and friends. I look forward to continuing to support AACSN as a volunteer in many years to come.

Rosanna Leroe-Muñoz
HATWALK 2008/2010/2012 Gala and Expressions of Courage, HATWALK 2015 fundraiser.
I was born in San Francisco and attended UC Berkeley, where I majored in Political Science. I am currently working as a Director at Alpha Omega Financial Systems.
In my free time, I thoroughly enjoy music (playing classical piano), dancing (hip hop and ballet) and anything that bring me outdoors – from tennis, to golf, to hikes to The Dish and Half Dome. I am also involved in the UC Berkeley chapter for NAASA. As most volunteers involved with AACSN, I have had friends and family affected by cancer, most recently, my grandfather who passed away from pancreatic cancer.
Kevin Handa
Served as HATWALK 2004 Gala Co-Chair
I was born and raised in San Jose, CA, and the only time I’ve been away from the Bay Area was in college at UC Davis, where I majored in Mathematics and minored in Statistics. I am currently a Quality Program Manager, after years as a Hardware/Software Project Manager.
I’m a big sports fan, mostly as a spectator now, although I still play basketball every once in awhile. I enjoy all sports, but I can’t think of many things better to do than spending a Saturday or Sunday (preferably both) in the sun at SBC Park or the Oakland Coliseum watching the Giants or A’s.
In addition to work and AACSN, most of my free time is spent coaching youth basketball. I’ve been coaching for about 12 years in several youth organizations, including San Jose Community Youth Service (CYS), Mountain View Tri-City Youth Organization, San Jose Zebras Basketball Organization, and for the Asian North-South All-Star Tournament.
My involvement in AACSN was sort of fate. Like many of you, I have had a few family members who have been affected by cancer. Additionally, I had known Fidelia for a few years prior to AACSN (I used to work with her brother), and discovered that I had actually met May (and her husband, Greg) previously. Last year, my AACSN involvement reached its pinnacle, as I was one of HATWALK 2004’s Co-chairpersons.
Tony Maesto
Serving as AACSN Photographer
Tony Maesto is a technically ambitious fashion photographer. His engineering background and artistic eye allow him to blend creativity with technicality, and the end result is edgy conceptual photography. Tony received his Master’s degree in engineering from MIT, and has also spent many years competing as a Latin/Ballroom dancer.
His career as a photographer took birth while dancing competitively, when he realized the similarities between the two disciplines. Through his work, he has embraced the process of character transformation and story telling, and has successfully transcribed it into dramatic editorials that have been featured in numerous magazines.
Conroy W. Shum, JD
Served as HATWALK 2010/2012 Gala, and now serving Expressions of Courage, HATWALK 2015 fundraiser.
I was born in Long Beach, CA and attended USC where I studied accounting and then went on to pursue my law degree at Pepperdine University. I am currently the Director of WW License Compliance Operations for Adobe Systems, Inc.
On my free time, I enjoy studying about Chinese Contemporary art, and welcome any opportunity to share my passion with other artlovers. I also value the time I spend with close friends and family.
I have been fortunate enough to have met some wonderfully passionate and driven friends involved with the AACSN, and knew right away, that I wanted to be a part of this organization.
Amy Chen Yee
Served as AACSN Director of Press & Promotions
I was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA (Go Steelers!) and had a childhood appearance on the TV show, Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood. I’ve moved around quite a bit for my marketing research career, spending time in Chicago, CT/NY, and most recently, Wilmington, DE before moving to the SF Bay area.
Outside of my full-time job, I teach group exercise classes (Step, cardio kickboxing, BOSU, sculpt, sports yoga and CORE classes) primarily for Club One. I also enjoy salsa dancing, anything in the great outdoors and volunteering for AACSN and serving on the gala committee for Self Help for the Elderly. I’ve met some of my closest friends through non-profit work, having been recruited initially as a Hatwalk model, and serving as Promotions Director of AACSN for the past two years.
Dr. Kendra Chun
Serving as AACSN Project Strength & AACSN Medical Board Member
I was born and raised in northern california, but have only recently relocated back to this area after living in Los Angeles, New Orleans, and Grosse Pointe. I’ve known Fidelia (cofounder of AACSN) for years, and it was she who got me involved with the group.
I have been volunteering with AACSN since it was founded in 2003. It’s been great helping with the hatwalk, hatmaking workshops, and Project Strength. I also sit on the advisory board and it has been exciting to see the growth of AACSN in such a short period of time. AACSN is made up of a terrific group of caring, energetic, and generous people. It is rewarding to see the difference AACSN has made and help it has provided to so many people. I look forward to its continued success and ongoing contribution to the community!