Dr. Kendra Chun

Serving as AACSN Project Strength & AACSN Medical Board Member

I was born and raised in northern california, but have only recently relocated back to this area after living in Los Angeles, New Orleans, and Grosse Pointe. I’ve known Fidelia (cofounder of AACSN) for years, and it was she who got me involved with the group.
I have been volunteering with AACSN since it was founded in 2003. It’s been great helping with the hatwalk, hatmaking workshops, and Project Strength. I also sit on the advisory board and it has been exciting to see the growth of AACSN in such a short period of time. AACSN is made up of a terrific group of caring, energetic, and generous people. It is rewarding to see the difference AACSN has made and help it has provided to so many people. I look forward to its continued success and ongoing contribution to the community!