AACSN Programs
AACSN was created to provide emotional support for those coping with cancer, as well as their families and friends. We conduct workshops addressing cancer and fatigue, Eastern medicine, relaxation and health exercises such as Qi Gong and Tai Chi, and nutrition. AACSN is also working with a team of health care professionals on a program to provide cancer patients and their families a forum to discuss their experiences, either in a group setting or matched with a survivor or patient undergoing similar treatment.
We offer a Cancer Support Fund and provide Cancer Support Baskets and hand-knitted hats for patients. We also teach community members how to knit, and involve community youth to craft and assemble Care Baskets.
AACSN does outreach in the community to increase awareness of cancer, especially among Asian Americans. Check out some of our upcoming workshops and join our mailing list to be notified of new workshops. For questions, please contact info@aacsn.org.
AACSN’s gala event raises money and promotes awareness of how cancer affects Asian Americans and their families. The event celebrates the value and importance of hats in bringing comfort to those cancer patients who lose their hair through treatment. The first HATWALK in 2003 was successful in bringing together hundreds of supporters, volunteers and sponsors. Care Basket Program: For patients newly diagnosed with cancer, AACSN provides packages that include pamphlets introducing the concept of chemotherapy and radiation, comfort care products, a relaxation CD, appointment calendars, and – best of all – hand-crafted hats made by volunteers for patients who may lose their hair during treatments.
“Project Strength” Crane Display:
AACSN volunteers are organizing a fundraising project to build a beautiful origami crane display with paper cranes sponsored through donations. The display will honor the courage of cancer fighters enduring and battling the disease. The making of origami cranes first attracted the world’s attention in late-1950s when Sadako Sasaki, a 12-year-old survivor of leukemia caused by the Hiroshima bomb, attempted to fold 1,000 cranes after hearing a legend about the wish-granting powers of such an effort.
The Asian American Cancer Support Network is increasing its presence in the community. We are in the process of reaching out to other local cancer-related organizations to coordinate resources for the community.
Community Mammography Access Project (CMAP)
AACSN has partnered with Community Health Partnership on the Community Mammography Access Project. The Mobile Mammography van is visiting clinics throughout the Bay Area. Please view our Calendar on our website to see where you can sign up for free! The project’s mission is to screen women at these clinics that serve the underserved and uninsured women.
The Community Mammography Access Project’s mission is to institutionalize a reliable mobile screening mammography program for our member community health centers to increase access to mammography services and reduce late stage breast cancer diagnosis among medically underserved women in Santa Clara County through the collaborative effort of community based mobile mammography services and an existing safety net of healthcare providers.
The primary objective and purposes of the Community Mammography Access Project shall be:
– To provide culturally and linguistically appropriate breast cancer education, screening and referral services.
– To work in collaboration with the network of community-based health centers, Santa Clara Valley Health and Hospital System, and existing safety net of healthcare providers.
– To develop and implement a standardized breast health delivery model for member clinics, building in a comprehensive patient tracking, reporting and follow up system
Creative Workshops
Hat Making Workshops
We run regular knitting workshops to handknit hats for our care baskets. If you would like to help, please contact AACSN. If you do not know how to knit, don’t worry, we’ll teach you! You can also knit in the privacy of your own home and send us the hats when you are done.
Care Basket Making Workshops
We have an annual care basket making workshop where volunteers come together to help assemble care baskets which are distributed to newly diagnosed cancer patients.

Join Us in Supporting AACSN!
Or send a check made out to Asian American Cancer Support Network to:
Asian American Cancer Support Network
P.O. Box 2919
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
To Make a Gift of Appreciated Stock or Assets
Or, ask about Employee Matching and Volunteering
Please reach out to us!